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“Rachael is honest and committed to meeting the needs of her clients. She does not waste time telling you what you want to hear. She tells you what you need to know and gives you action steps to put in place to build your brand. She is a professional and offers suggestions that fit within your budget."”

Nanette Watts, Co-Owner and Executive Producer of Miss Plus World and Former Executive Director National Miss Plus America Pageant

“I have experienced and watched her exquisite work, her professionalism, and the ecstatic clients who hire her repeatedly. She understands the mission and purpose God has given me and is prepared to assist me in executing my goals with excellence. ”

Tip Jones, The Womenpreneurs' Coach, CEO of the Consulting Studio and POSE Magazine

“If you want great PR and someone to keep pushing you then Rachael Yvonne Davis is your woman.”

Meko Krout, AIN: Accessories in The Nude Founder

“This was the first time I'd had a glam squad! I felt SO OFFICIAL and I appreciate the hard work you all put in to make me FABULOUS!”

Goody Howard, Sexuality Educator, Speaker, Superhero!

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